Saturday, 15 June 2013

A taste of Vinney culture

Vinney’s mood is sour and sweet
but mainly sour.
She glowers at barking dogs and hogs
the sofa and remote control,
extolling long-gone shows she moans
there’s nothing on the telly.

Vinney’s room is books and bags
and furs and fags
and ash that freckles dusty frames
of dames and doe-eyed broads on old
billboards in black and white that light
the room like Technicolor.

Garland, Monroe, Betty Grable –
fabled legs insured for better
than a million.
Greta Garbo garbed in white
on opening night, while Bogey and Bacall
give it their all upon the silver screen
and much more off...

Vinney watches ancient flicks
on cut price DVDs and dreams
that she is Audrey Hepburn crooning
of Moon River, smoking cigarettes in movie style
while breakfasting at Tiffany’s.

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